お茶の水女子大学 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター
Study on Strategies for Capacity Building of Integrated Chemicals Management (20)
Yoshitaka HOSHIKAWA Masaru MASUDA Ochanomizu University Life World Watch Center
Abstract: We here validate the plan of a METI’s committee on the development of a unified scheme for the transmission of information about chemicals in products among all of actors through the product supply chain from the perspective of the progress in international cooperative actions and situations of Japanese government against international agreements. And considering that there are longtime supports by UN organizations behind the legislative trends of chemicals management in Asian countries and that the development of such a scheme under the framework of SAICM has been decided we propose that Japanese government should participate in the SAICM program in order to integrate Japanese experiences into the international scheme. In addition to that we propose that the urgent work for Japanese government in such a situation is to establish an integrated chemicals management law and a unified authority in compliance with Diet’s supplementary resolutions passed in May 2009. Keywords: SAICM REACH Regulation Chemicals in products Integrated chemicals management Diet’s supplementary resolutions
Keywords: |
SAICM , REACH規則 , 製品中化学物質 , 化学物質総合管理法 , 国会附帯決議 , |
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