OECD High Production Volume Chemicals Programme: Summary of 27th SIDS Initial Assessment Meeting
Mariko Matsumoto1 Shigeki Miyachi2 Yoshio Sugaya3 Akihiko Hirose1
1. Division of Risk Assessment Biological Safety Research Center National Institute of Health Sciences 2. Chemicals Assessment and Research Center Chemicals Evaluation and Research Institute 3. Research Center for Environmental Risk National Institute for Environmental Studies
The 27th SIDS (Screening Information Data Set) Initial Assessment Meeting was held in Ottawa Canada on 14th-16th October 2008. The initial assessment documents of 35 substances were discussed and the conclusions of initial assessment for all substances were approved at the meeting. The Japanese Government submitted the initial assessment documents for three substances sodium p-toluenesulfonateiCAS: 657-84-1jwhich was prepared by the Japanese Government 13-benzenedioliCAS: 108-46-3jwhich was prepared by International Council of Chemical Association (ICCA) and N-cyclohexylbenzothiazole-2-sulphenamide (CAS: 95-33-0) which was prepared by Germany and the Japanese Government based on EU risk assessment. This paper reports the summary of the 27th SIDS Initial Assessment Meeting.
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