An issue of cosmetics ingredient notation considered by instrumental neutron activation analysis
Ochanomizu University Graduate School
Cosmetics claiming inclusion of Pt Au and Ag are available through many shops. The manufactures have to indicate the ingredients of cosmetics. However these cosmetics don't need to have labels of indicating the percentage of the ingredients by law. These cosmetics were analyzed by using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and so on. The percentage of the Pt ranged from 1 to 80ppm among the samples. The lower detection limit of Pt of the standard sample was 1ppm under the present experimental condition of INAA. Some samples contained Pt as claimed in the labels by the producers however were less Pt than detection limits contrary to the claiming in the label. Furthermore it is extremely troublesome to prove that some ingredients are not added if it was claimed to have added to some ingredients. This paper presents an issue to the ingredient notation of cosmetics.
Keywords: |
化粧品 , 成分表示 , 分析法 , 検出下限値 , 白金、金、銀 , |
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