
著者名:  検索語:

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第8巻 , 第2号 , (pp.95-125)
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星川欣孝、増田 優
お茶の水女子大学 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター
Study on Strategies for Capacity Building of Integrated Chemicals Management (16) -Verification of Japanese SAICM Implementation Plan which does not deserve calling it a plan-

Ochanomizu University Life World Watch Center

Abstract: We verified here Japanese SAICM Implementation Plan which was submitted to UNEP in September 2012 in comparison with the basic documents of SAICM and related guidance and the actual application status of the public comment system. We found out that the Japanese SAICM implementation plan is not satisfying the requisite of what should be called the plan due to the deviation of its object and contents from the international agreements and that actual application of the public comment system is undemocratic against the principles of Administrative Procedure Act. Then we recommend that its preparation procedure should be re-established thoroughly under the leadership of the cabinet.
Keywords: SAICM SAICM National implementation plan Integrated chemicals management Capacity building Public comment system
Keywords: SAICM , SAICM国内実施計画 , 化学物質総合管理 , 管理能力強化 , 意見公募手続き ,
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