
著者名:  検索語:

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第7巻 , 第1号 , (pp.26-45)
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お茶の水女子大学 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター
Study on Strategies for Capacity Building of Chemicals Integrated Management (12):
-Essential Roles of Independent Government Oversight Sectors for Democratic Governance Systems -

Ochanomizu University Life world watch center

Abstract: We examine here details of legal reformations for realizing integrated chemicals managements practices regarding to the systematic risk assessment of existing chemicals and government performance evaluations by any independent government oversight sectors in Canada and Australia in order to investigate essential roles of independent government oversight sectors such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in United States of America which was considered in our previous article. As a result of the examination we make it clear that the power separation of the legislature and the administration of all these countries are based on fundamentally the philosophy of the power separation of the three branches of government and that independent government oversight sectors are achieving their roles properly. It indicates therefore the urgent necessity of fundamental reformations of the Japanese governance system to more democratic ones.
Keywords: Integrated chemicals management Democratic governance system The power separation of the three branches of government Government oversight functions Performance evaluations
Keywords: 化学物質総合管理 , 民主的統治システム , 三権分立 , 行政監視機関 , 実績評価 ,
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