
著者名:  検索語:

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第6巻 , 第2号 , (pp.152-178)
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お茶の水女子大学 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター
Study on Strategies for Capacity Building of Chemicals Integrated Management (11): -Further Progress of the Legal Frameworks of Integrated Chemicals Management led by the Reformation of the TSCA -

Ochanomizu University Life world watch center

We here take up two bills; S. 3209 and H.R. 5820 which were recently introduced in the American congress for amendment of Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and consider the features of their revised policies objectives and concrete measures. Main intentions of their revisions seem to be the same and mainly to improve the workability and transparency of the current TSCA system with introducing a minimum data set similar to the base data set of EU’s REACH regulation a prioritization risk assessment system of existing chemicals similar to the Canadian Environment Protection Act and so on. On the other side Japanese government has showed no sign of taking up the Diet’s supplementary resolutions concerning the comprehensive and integrated chemicals management system until now. We therefore again indicate that the most urgent issue for Japanese government is to introduce a chemicals integrated management system.
Keywords: TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act Kashin-hou in Japanese the Diet’s supplementary resolutions Chemicals integrated management
Keywords: TSCA , 有害物質管理法 , 化学物質審査規制法 , 国会附帯決議 , 化学物質総合管理 ,
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