
著者名:  検索語:

TOP > 巻号一覧 > 目次一覧 > 書誌事項
第5巻 , 第2号 , (pp.173-191)
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お茶の水女子大学 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター
Study on Strategies for Capacity Building of Chemicals Integrated Management (10):
-Consideration on the Problems related to the Revision of the Kashin-hou and the most important points of implementing the Diet’s supplementary resolutions-


Ochanomizu University Life world watch center

We here deal with issues related to the new version of the Kashin-hou in Japanese and consider concrete and right ways of implementing the two most important items in the Diet’s supplementary resolutions which were explained on our prior report of the series. Concerning the issues related to the amended Kashin-hou we picked up four points which are 1) not to be reconsidered the definition of chemical substance 2) to be controlled biodegradable substances under the Kashin-hou strictly and so on and then we picked up two most important points of the Diet’s supplementary resolutions which are 1) the consideration of how to realize integrated or unified regulatory systems and 2) the clarification of national responsibility about the fulfillment of international agreements and its concrete schedule and propose concrete or right ways from the point of the integrated management of chemicals referring to the advanced achievement in Canada.
Keywords: 化審法 , 化学物質総合管理 , 国会附帯決議 , SAICM国内実施計画 , ナショナル・プロファイル ,
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