
著者名:  検索語:

TOP > 巻号一覧 > 目次一覧 > 書誌事項
第5巻 , 第2号 , (pp.152-172)
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お茶の水女子大学 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター
Study on Strategies for Capacity Building of Chemicals Integrated Management (9):
-The most important point for responding to the Diet’s resolutions is to fulfill
the related international agreements sincerely-


Ochanomizu University Life world watch center

Both the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors of Japan have made many supplementary resolutions about the adoption of the government bill for amending the Japanese law on the regulation of chemicals of which the abbreviated name is Kashin-hou in Japanese. Many items in these resolutions can not be dealt with by the Kashin-hou because of its narrow regulatory roles. In other words the Diet has called the government for the fulfillment of various international agreements such as Agenda 21 SAICM and so on in accordance with the global propagation of the chemicals integrated management. We here clarify problems in the Japanese government approaches towards the SAICM action plan and recommend the due procedural steps in which a national profile is prepared first of all under the participation of various stakeholders and a national action plan be made based on the recommendations in the national profile.
Keywords: 化学物質審査規制法 , 国会附帯決議 , SAICM関係省庁連絡会議 , SAICM国内実施計画 , ナショナル・プロファイル ,
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