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第4巻 , 第1号 , (pp.69-77)
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斎藤育江1、瀬戸 博2、上村 尚3
1東京都健康安全研究センター環境保健部環境衛生研究科 2東京都健康安全研究センター環境保健部環境衛生研究科 (当時)、現 東京都福祉保健局健康安全室環境保健課 3東京都健康安全研究センター環境保健部 (当時)、現 明治薬科大学
Characteristic chemicals in indoor air of a new building complained of a foul smell

Ikue SAITO,Hiroshi SETO2 Hisashi KAMIMUTRA

This is a pilot study to determine relationship between indoor air chemicals and a foul smell in a new building where occupants complained of offensive odor and discomfort health effects. A standard questionnaire survey indoor air chemical analysis and odor measurement by odor panel were conducted in this survey. In the result of the questionnaire (response rate: 59%) 78% occupants complained health effects and the rate was higher in woman(89%) than that in man(72%). The predominantly caused symptoms in the occupants were nose eye throat irritation; and nausea. In the analysis of indoor air chemicals toluene ethylbenzene xylene and butanol were detected with higher concentrations than other chemicals. In additional study those four chemicals detected with higher levels were revealed to be emitted from an adhesive used to install vinyl sheet flooring. When the 10 rooms (zones) in the building were investigated the chemical concentrations and the odor level the concentrations of butanol xylene and ethylbenzene were significantly correlated with the odor level score. Considering that the concentration of indoor air butanol was higher than the value of odor threshold of it the foul smell in the building was thought to be caused by butanol.
Keywords: 室内空気 , シックビルディング症候群 , ホルムアルデヒド , 揮発性有機化合物 , ブタノール ,
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