
著者名:  検索語:

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第2巻 , 第2号 , (pp.267-284)
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星川欣孝、増田 優
お茶の水女子大学 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター
Study on Strategies for Capacity Building of Integrated Chemicals Management (4)- Possible Strategies for Realizing a Legal System of Integrated Chemicals Management in Japan -


In the study series we have been trying to make up strategies for reforming Japanese regulatory systems relating to chemicals management in order to introduce them an integrated chemicals management which are pursued internationally. We specify here peculiarities of existing regulatory systems in Japan by comparing to the principal concepts and management tools established under internationally cooperative activities in OECD or ILO and actual administrative practices of integrated chemicals management under TSCA or EU existing rules in order to clarify fundamental principles and a preferable legal system of integrated chemicals management and also possible provisional items needed to be included in a law concerning integrated chemicals management.
Keywords: 化学物質総合管理 , 化学物質管理法制 , OECD理事会決議 , ILO規準 , アジェンダ21 ,
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