
著者名:  検索語:

TOP > 巻号一覧 > 目次一覧 > 書誌事項
第1巻 , 第3号 , (pp.403-427)
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窪田清宏・大塚雅則・高月峰夫・結城命夫・増田 優
財団法人化学物質評価研究機構、御茶ノ水女子大学 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター
We carried out the questionnaire survey to Japanese companies in 2004 and 2005 in order to grasp the present conditions for integrated chemicals management system. This survey was carried out to ask about hazard assessment mainly on the actions relating to MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). The questionnaire items were evolved around three axes i.e. enrichment of science basis (a Science axis) ability of persons and organization (a Capacity axis) and achievement situation of cooperation with clients and/or information disclosure to society (a Performance axis). We divided companies into suppliers (the supply side of chemicals) and users (the use and processing side of chemicals). Suppliers carried out higher activities than users. Especially chemical companies carried out actions of higher level than the other types of industry. As a general trend there was not much difference between the result of 2004 and that of 2005 a sign of improvement was recognized in some actions. In order to grasp the tendency of chemical management continuous survey is needed. Because the new survey based on the risk basis is needed the survey should be expanded to exposure assessment risk assessment and risk management.
Keywords: Integrated chemicals management systems , Hazard assessment , Risk basis , CSR , SRI , Science axis , Capacity axis , Performance axis ,
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