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第1巻 , 創刊号 , (pp.99-103)
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増田 優
お茶の水女子大学教授 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター長
Genuine Education in the 21st Century & Reorganization of the “World of Intellect”
―“Market of Intellect” cultivated by the Professionals through “Socio-Academic Collaboration” and “Mutual Learn& Teach” ―

Director Life-World Watch Center Ochanomizu University

Abstract: Series of lectures on “Reorientation in Chemical & Biological Risk Management” has begun. Its purpose is to supply opportunities to the participants to further prosecute studies on risk evaluation and management of chemical substances and organisms and on technological innovation and its relations with the society and life in general. With nearly 100 lecturers from various cooperative institutions such as professional organizations scientific societies NGO NPO mass media enterprises and the administration 15 subjects were created and sat by almost 5000 participants centering on the members of the society. With further addition of the consumer associations and the local self-governing bodies to the cooperative circle 51 subjects are scheduled to open in the fiscal year of 2005.
Industry and economy cannot surpass the standard of education in its nation. Refinement of knowledge on activities of industry and enterprises that support the modern society and on trends in science and technology is a genuine education essential to the 21st century. In order to enhance this standard of education it is indispensable for the professionals to carry out a mutual learn-and-teach attitude. Socio-academic collaboration beyond business -academic collaboration is gravely important. 
This extension course is part of our challenge to create a “Market of Intellect” where genuine education of the 21st century can be nourished under the banner of “Mutual Learn & Teach” and “Socio-Academic Collaboration.”
(ChemoBio Integrated Management 1(1):99-103 2005)
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